
Jennifer Joy (
Mon, 5 Dec 1994 09:34:20 -0600 (CST)

Anybody want to start a new business?  I would almost pay for a filtered
and moderated version of all security lists.  Of course, information is
should be free and have full disclosure (NOT IT'S SHOULDN'T) (YES IT SHOULD) 
(NO) (YES) (NO) (YES)... so that would bad.


Of course, I am not proposing or anything, 
I just cannot believe the egos, the posturing, and same arguments going 
'round and 'round (Usenet-itis).

So, for many of us, if you want to take the heat of declaring yourself
censure for security and start a list like RISKS, that would be great.
I'd definitely send you a box of chocolates and a sincere thanks. :-)


       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX 512.891.8561 fax:512.891.3190 pgr:933-7333 #898561